Statement Power Distribution

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Statement Power Distribution
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 12 reviews
 by Kevin T, Oregon, United States
The Statement SE NCF Power Distribution is amazing

Product: Statement SE NCF Power Distribution (SKU AS_SPDSE_NCF)

Ive been using the Power Distributor for couple days and so far been amazing
Way outperform my Nordost

 by Todd H, New Jersey, United States
Great Power Distribution Box and Power Cable

Product: Statement SE Power Distribution (SKU AS_SPDSE)
Product: Statement Power Cable (SKU AS_SPC)

Thank you for the power distribution box and power cable. It sounds great!! I'm using this primarily for my front end gear and letting it settle in. Thank you again!!

 by Allen M, Ontario, Canada
Very happy with quality of power distribution box

Product: Statement SE Power Distribution (SKU AS_SPDSE)

I have been very impressed with the items I have purchased from you recently. The power cables have made a noticeable improvement in my system and I am very happy with the quality of the power distribution box and Furutech products. I am definitely a converted "believer" in the benefits of your products!

 by Arnie S
The Statement Distribution box is perfect

Product: Statement SE Power Distribution (SKU AS_SPDSE)

I purchased a Statement Distribution Box from you. I really like it. It’s perfect for my needs.

 by Simon G, Canada
Statement Power Distribution Box

Product: Statement SE Power Distribution (SKU AS_SPDSE)

AudioSensitivity AC Cables have to be plugged into a Audio Sensibility Power Distribution to get this wonderfull music achivement !
Three weeks later and it is even better, the placement in 3D of each instrument is remarquable !
The voices are so natural and with more presence.
It is now delightfull to listen to my music at last.
Thank you I am realy happy with your great product !

 by Paul S, Ontario, Canada
Your distribution box made a huge improvement

Product: Statement SE Power Distribution (SKU AS_SPDSE)

Last night I hooked everything up, disconnected the PS Audio regenerator from the amps and went direct from your distribution box. Very huge improvement, and that was end-of-day with my ears tired.
But the improvements were even more significant this AM. I had to re-position my loudspeakers slightly to get the best of it but once I did it was excellent.

 by John B, Ontario, Canada
Your products are excellent!

Product: Statement SE Power Distribution (SKU AS_SPDSE)
Product: Statement SE XLR Interconnects (SKU AS_SXLRSEC)
Product: Statement Power Cable (SKU AS_SPC)
It took me a few weeks to really appreciate your power distribution box, interconnect and power cord; I have no turntable but I used my speakers and headphone amp to get an idea how everything sounded now. My CD player is newish but simple. Now I have to keep reminding myself it's the same player. So the source is ordinary but the synergy of the system is easy to hear. No devices like yours ever did that; I could never hear cable/power cord/CD player differences before- holy smokes! Each piece is working better but the total result is greater than the sum of the parts. The speakers and sub soundstage so well it's shocking; and yet I haven't changed them and I am delighted to hear what they can do. Along those lines I am going to see Charles Park to change my headphone amp( 15 years here) for a Burson Conductor. That will be more fun

 by Bill B, United States
Statement Power Distribution Box has made large changes

Product: Statement SE Power Distribution (SKU AS_SPDSE)
Thanks again for the great products and pricing. The outlet change, and move from Blue Circle to AudioSensibility power distributor, have brought large audio and visual improvements to my system.
I couldn't be happier.

 by Therry H, Canada
Statement Power Distribution and Signature Power Cord

Product: Statement SE Power Distribution (SKU AS_SPDSE)
Product: Signature Power Cable V2 (SKU AS_XPC2)
I want to tell you how great an improvement it is to have the Signature/Statement combo on my power line. Everything is smoother yet more accurate, with an even deeper, more controlled low end.

 by Steve L, Ontario, Canada
Statement Power Distribution box review - upgrades

Product: Statement SE Power Distribution (SKU AS_SPDSE)

The sonic improvement with the upgrade to GTX-D receptacles is not all. Refinement, details, soundstage, noise floor and musicality improved significantly. For the first two weeks, I sticked with the gold GTX for both my dac and amp. It was really good with a smooth, musical and organic sound. Then I tried rodhium for both components. As expected, the sound became faster, thinner and with a bit more details but not too much with a surprisingly satisfying bass. The change was not as dramatic as I expected. I could have live with that sound but think I will have preferred the gold connection in the long run. It’s when I decided to mix the duplex that things became interesting. I plugged the dac in the rhodium and the amp in the gold. Wow! That was a really good idea. I get best of both worlds. Extended highs, with extra details but retaining the bass impact and fullness of sound. I will maybe try the opposite (dac in gold and amp in rhodium) later on but for now, this configuration is a keeper for me. I can reach listening fatigue more easily but I still have the possibility to switch back to gold only for a more relax and organic listening. Bottom line, I am really pleased and happy that I decided to follow your recommendation to mix the AC receptacles.

 by Lloyd S, Canada
Your cables are wonderful

Product: Statement SE Power Distribution (SKU AS_SPDSE)

Listening to music today with your cables and Power box on my system it finally dawned on me exactly what your cables are doing. They just let more of the musical signal arrive without damaging or adding to the original signal. Simply more music and more musical presentation........Wonderful indeed. It is making old favourites even more enjoyable. I am a very happy customer

 by Lloyd S, Nova Scotia, Canada
Statement Power Distribution

Product: Statement Power Distribution (SKU AS_SPD)

Hi, Steve. Installing your Statement Power Distribution unit in place of my PS Audio Quintet was a revelation on the level of a major equipment upgrade. I've never heard such a pure musical upgrade from my system. I now realized the PS unit was completely bettered , a no brainer.Elegantly simply and extremely well made, your unit allowed music to blossom both on the cd and vinyl. I keep finding excuses to just sit and listen. Everything has reality and soul .it is mind boggling. You deserve to sell a boat load of these. Its that good. And a lot cheaper than changing equipment. Thank-you for a truly wonderful product.