May 2018![]() |
A glowing review of the Signature OCC Copper speaker cables has been published by Douglas Brown of Novo High End. |
March 2018![]() |
Here is the completed Bakoon DAC-21 review by Maurice Jeffries of Posi+ive Feedback with more raves about the Signature OCC Silver S/PDIF Digital Cable. |
February 2018![]() |
Maurice Jeffries of Posi+ive Feedback gives some initial feedback on the Signature OCC Silver S/PDIF Digital Cable being used in his review of the Bakoon DAC-21. |
December 2017![]() |
Rick Becker of Enjoy The Music has recommended the Signature OCC Silver S/PDIF Digital Cable as a Great Christmas Audiophile Gift. |
May 2016![]() |
Bruce Kinch of Posi+ive Feedback reviews the Impact SE and Testament cable lineup for his Audio Sensibility Cables: Musings on Price and Prejudice review. |
January 2016![]() |
Noam Bronstein review of the Impact SE OCC Copper Phono Cable for Wall of Sound and is suitably impressed. |
December 2015![]() |
Rick Becker of Enjoy The Music has recommended the Testament Figure-8 Power Cable as a Great Christmas Audiophile Gift. |
May 2015![]() |
Tim Smith of Wall of Sound does a review of the Statement SE OCC Copper Interconnect Cable. |
December 2014![]() |
Douglas Brown does a review of the complete line of Audio Sensibility power cables for Canada HiFi. |
July 2014![]() |
Rick Becker of Enjoy The Music has assembled an amazing $5000.00 system for his Entry Level Project review. The system is wired with a full complement of Audio Sensiblity interconnect, speaker and power cables. |
April 2014![]() |
Tim Smith of Wall of Sound does a review of the Impact SE OCC Copper (HiFiMan) Headphone Cable. |
June/July 2013![]() |
Malcom Gomes of Canada HiFi does a mini review of the Testament Power Distribution box in the article entitled Power Struggle – Understanding the Importance of the Power Delivery System to Your Components and the Benefits It Can Bring To Your Listening Experience, see page 17 of the issue. |
December 2011![]() |
Rick Becker of Enjoy The Music does a mini review of the Statement SE OCC Copper Balanced XLR cable as well as the Statement Loudspeaker and Component Grounding Devices in a A Hannu-Christma-Boxer-Kwanzaa Story: Mini reviews of powerful gift ideas. |
August 2011![]() |
Paul Mah of the Stereo Times reviews the Impact Analog Interconnects, Testament Single-Wire Speaker Cables, and Statement Digital Cable in Making a Statement! Or, the Whole Kit-n’-Kaboodle |
June 2011![]() |
Laurence Borden of Dagago speaks with Audio Sensibility about the cable design philosophy and uniqueness of the products. The interview includes exclusive information about Dr. Atsumi Ohno himself, the inventor of the OCC process that bears his name – Ohno Continuous Casting. |
July 2010![]() |
The Statement S-PDIF (RCA) Digital audio cable is reviewed by Rick Becker of Enjoy The Music in a Digital Cable Comparison Review – A Tale of Three Cable Technologies. |
Industry Press
April 2012![]() |
Rick Becker regularly covers the Montreal and Toronto audio shows in his Enjoy The Music show report blog. Scroll to the bottom of the page for Audio Sensibility coverage at SSI 2012. |
April 2012![]() |
Audio Sensibility got a mention and pictures in Ricky Mak’s Dagogo blog for the Montreal Salon Son & Image 2012 Audio/Video Show. Scroll to the bottom of the page. |
April 2012![]() |
Marc Philip provided show coverage for the Magazine-Audio Salon Son Image 2012 blog.. Scroll partway down the page for his report of Audio Sensibility, en français. |
October 2012![]() |
We bump into Rick Becker of Enjoy The Music at every audio show we attend and this year’s Toronto Audio Video Entertainment Show (TAVES) was no exception. Scroll near the bottom page for his blog mention of Audio Sensibility. |
October 2012![]() |
6moons magazine also covered the 2012 Toronto Audio Video Entertainment Show (TAVES). Scroll near the bottom page for their description of the Audio Sensibility display. |
April 2011![]() |
Rick Becker of Enjoy The Music dropped by again this year, and we provided him with a special ‘care package’. Rick mentioned our visit in the EnjoyTheMusic blog – Part 4, of the Montreal Salon Son & Image 2011 Audio/Video Show. Scroll partway down the page. |
April 2011![]() |
Audio Sensibility got a mention and pictures in Robert Deutsch’s Stereophile blog for the Montreal Salon Son & Image 2011 Audio/Video Show. |
April 2011![]() |
Audio Sensibility is covered in the Canada HiFi blog for the Montreal Salon Son & Image 2011 Audio/Video Show. Scroll down to the middle of the page. |
March 2010![]() |
Audio Sensibility is covered in Rick Becker’s Enjoy The Music blog for the Montreal Salon Son & Image 2010 Audio/Video Show. |
Customer Feedback
Here is some of the feedback from our cable customers. As you can see, they own a wide variety of equipment.