Impact Digital Cables

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Impact Digital Cables
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 5 reviews
 by Kevin P, New York, United States
The Impact USB Cable sounds good

Product: Impact SE USB Cable (Type A-B) (SKU AS_IUSBSEAB)

Just received cable. Sounds good ! Big improvement in bass and all other areas !

 by Andy T, Massachusetts, USA
Incredible improvement in SQ

Product: Impact SE USB Cable (Type A-B) (SKU AS_IUSBSEAB)

May I take this opportunity to thank you for the incredible improvement in SQ with the purchase of your USB cable.
I was using a Wireworld Platinum which was very detailed but fatiguing with some music.
Yours on the other hand is equally detailed but much more musical, the best of both worlds
The fact that your cable is 10 times cheaper than that of Wireworld is icing in the cake for me

 by Robert H, Alberta, Canada
The USB cable has made a change for the better

Product: Impact SE USB Cable (Type A-B) (SKU AS_IUSBSEAB)

I am pleasantly surprised, the usb cable has made a change for the better. Without getting into silly audiophile terms, it is almost as if the cable is quieter letting you hear deeper into the music. I know, that sounds strange. But my Focal Utopia’s do not hide much. It is a good thing I did not try your silver cable on my Focal’s, my wallet would not like you! A pleasure to do business with you Steven

 by Mike F
Your USB cable makes the music sing

Product: Impact SE USB Cable (Type A-B) (SKU AS_IUSBSEAB)

Hi said your USB cable was good...but you never said it was this good!. It makes the music sing (finally)
Now I have to get the short one for Christmas..:)

 by Dan M
Shocked by the USB cable

Product: Impact SE USB Cable (Type A-B) (SKU AS_IUSBSEAB)

I'm still shocked by the benefit I hear with your USB cable.